Thursday, August 6, 2009

I believe...

that it is possible to create a dialogue which traverses certain questions, theories, evidence, and rationality that exposes supernatural claims for what they really are: myth.

This is a blog about skepticism and the search for truth.
It is about using rationality to overcome ignorance.
It is about being willing to change your mind, if the evidence is sufficient.
I'm not here to be your friend, nor will I attack you personally.
This is a discussion about the ideas, truths, and the facts that all gods are created by the mind of man. But we'll also look at WHY, HOW and WHAT of religion..... since its not all evil.

Everybody can have a richer life by embracing ritual and the sacred in our everyday life.

I'm not calling for anyone to renounce their gods. Just their authoritarian way of knowing.
The point of this blog is to expose as undeniable truth that the god you imagine is within the imagination of believers alone.

Since we are beginning, I will begin the dialogue with what I can know for certain:

- I exist.

I also appear to be a human on the planet Earth, in the year 2009, but I know this with less certainty. Questions so far?


  1. Larry, I exist too, but what happens when I no longer exist? What are your beliefs on death? People want to know that they're "safe" when they're no longer are on earth...isn't really that what religion is all about? A ticket to heaven?

  2. okay Larry...Rene Descartes walks into a bar...

    seriously, good blog but you're missing a perky little pic of yourself.
    Anonymous Merry

  3. Cool. If you keep it updated Larry, I'll keep checking it out!

    Anonymous poster number one... my own beliefs on death is that you simply cease to exist. When you die, it's just like before you were born. No consciousness, no nothing at all. I think that scares the bee-jeebus out of some people. They don't want to stop existing. Which leads to people wanting to "know" that they're safe after death. Unfortunately, there's no way to know that. So people will comfort themselves by "believing" they're safe after death. Which is what the core of most religion is... the belief that you're safe after death. But it's just that; a belief. Not a ticket. Only the belief that a ticket is waiting for you.

    My own question is this: Plenty of polytheistic religions have died out over the ages. Have any monotheistic ones died out? I mean major monotheistic religions... not small cults, but big, major cults like christianity or judaism... was there ever a large monotheistic religion that died out? I'm guessing probably yes, but I really don't know for sure.

    Anonymous UrguthaForka

  4. Thanks for the comments!

    My feeling on death follow UrguthaForkas.
    Though there are interesting notions out there.

    Certainly, any afterlife which relys upon a "soul" must first prove a soul exists.
    Science has found no inkling of evidence or even mystery concerning the existence of souls.

    Here's the thought experiment:
    A pre-frontal lobotomy is brain damage which changes the individual in extreme ways.

    As the brain is damaged even more, what happens to it? It ceases to function. It dies as any animal's brain would when slaughtered.

    Yeah. Harsh.
    I can tone it down if there are offended grandmothers in attendance.

  5. In my first post, I want to establish for the reader that I know "I exist" with a certainty that exceeds any other belief I have. Even "Who" I am is not as certain as "I exist". This is an important point because I believe it is a faulty aspect of believers reasoning in evaluating the "certainty" of their conception of the world.
