Friday, August 7, 2009

Nature has no ethics

AIDS, Cancer, Alzheimers. If all life was created by a god, then why does he torture and kill innocent people with diseases?

Diseases do not have ethics. Nor are they evil outside of our minds. The host/parasite condition affects all animals equally. This is clear proof that there is no "all-good all-powerful" anything watching over us.

1 comment:

  1. Many people believe in something called the "Just World"

    Belief in a "Just World" means that if something bad happens to somebody, they must have done something to deserve it. Likewise, if something good happens, they must deserve that too. It stems from believing that the world is a Just place, where the wicked are punished and the righteous are saved.

    The problem with this belief is that it's not true. It's idealistic garbage.

    The good guys don't always win. The bad guys aren't always punished. Sometimes people die for no reason at all. Sometimes good people get cancer. Sometimes evil people become billionaires and life long and happy lives.

    There's no reason for this. There's nobody out there dealing out praise or punishment. Things just happen because they happen.

    People who say "god heard my prayers and cured that little girl's cancer" are fooling themselves because it makes them feel better. It makes them feel like they have some sort of control over the uncontrollable. Prayers have nothing to do with cancer, good or bad.

