Thursday, August 13, 2009

Post for Atheists only.

-( notice: this is an atheist only zone. )-

Hello !!
....ellle hello eello elloo elo o

Wow! This is a big place.
We're standing in the middle of a empty cathedral, but the arches only give way to the blue sky and the fine cool summer day above.
A fresh breeze of cedar wafts through.....
Pull up a chair! Screeeeeeeee...... sit down! get comfy. inhale sigghhhhhh.......
Awww yeah. mmmmm Isn't this nice? A place where where we can relax. And not worry about anything.
We can just sit, drop all formality, and watch the sunset in peace.

Isn't it beautiful? Now that's a sacred vision! Those purple clouds. I think I can hear the beach...I know I smell salt on the breeze.
Ah well, let us just sit in silence for awhile, and clear our minds.


Its getting dark now, but before you go....

Let us give thanks. To the universe. To the world. To our ancestors. To all life and minds before and beside ours. Let us acknowledge that the ideals of curiosity, love, understanding, integrity and commitment are all based on natural, rational conclusions which are self-evident in themselves.

I love this place. You are welcome to come here anytime you like. Bring your friends.

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